Reduced! Larry Carlton – Volume 1 (Book with Online Audio) Ingrandisci

Larry Carlton

Larry Carlton – Volume 1 (Book with Online Audio)

Publisher: Hal Leonard
Series: Star Licks
For intermediate guitarists and beyond
With notes and TAB

One of the most influential jazz-rock guitarists of all time, Larry Carlton work in two areas of specialization: Blues and Chord Substitution.

The Blues section deals with imitation, theme development, extended phrasing, bending techniques, vibrato, and solo construction.

In the Chord Substitution section, Larry explains his trademark triad approach, starting with basic chord substitution and leading to extended triad-on-triad usage.
All examples are clearly illustrated with substantial musical phrases and improvised solos.

Exclusive live concert footage is provided throughout the video to demonstrate the use of Larry's examples in a live band situation. The accompanying instructional booklet comes complete with easy-to-follow diagrams that correspond exactly to the video lesson. For intermediate guitarists and beyond.

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Larry Carlton


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AutoreLarry Carlton

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Larry Carlton – Volume 1 (Book with Online Audio)

Larry Carlton – Volume 1 (Book with Online Audio)