Reduced! Producing Great Sound for Digital Video (book/CD) Ingrandisci

Producing Great Sound for Digital Video (book/CD)

Publisher: Focal Press
Second Editoion
Pages 430

Producing Great Sound for Digital Video is a complete audio training guide as well as a quick problem-solving resource for the working pro. The author explains hundreds of real-world techniques to use from preproduction through the final mix. Readers get how-tos, tips, and time-savers, plus tutorials on key skills such as dialogue and music editing.

This edition features deeper coverage of location techniques, including choosing the right mic, in-camera sound recording, getting sound into the camera cleanly, calibrating the camera to location sound equipment, working with mic booms, using separate recorders, and digital wireless.
It also includes updates on working techniques, including new software categories for postproduction and new interchange standards.

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Producing Great Sound for Digital Video (book/CD)

Producing Great Sound for Digital Video (book/CD)