Reduced! Recording And Production Techniques Ingrandisci

Paul White

Recording And Production Techniques

Sanctuary Publishing
A revised an updated 2nd edition of the complete guide to music production

Secrets of the professional recording studio are revealed, from planning sessions right through to mastering.

  1. A little History
  2. Today's Producer
  3. Planning a Session
  4. Arranging
  5. Effects and Mixing
  6. Vocals
  7. Drums
  8. Acoustic Guitars
  9. Electric Guitars
  10. Reverb
  11. Dynamic Control
  12. Gates and ExpandersMixing
  13. Editing and Mastering
  14. Sound
  15. Headphones
  16. Media Matters
  17. Surround-Sound Concepts
  18. Surround-Sound in Practice
  19. Summing Up

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Paul White


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AutorePaul White

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Recording And Production Techniques

Recording And Production Techniques