Reduced! The Art of Expressive Playing for Winds and Percussion - Teacher (book/CD) Ingrandisci

Jerry Nowak

The Art of Expressive Playing for Winds and Percussion - Teacher (book/CD)

Published by Carl Fischer
The Art of Expressive Playing for Winds and Percussion
A Study in Individual, Small Ensemble and Large Group Performance Performance
Teacher's Manual

The Teacher's Manual contains background material for the study and presentation of each chapter.  Each chapter features general comments as well as specific suggestions for all examples, which are printed in conductor score format. In addition, the teacher will find conducting and rehearsal suggestions for many of the examples. Also included are the student pages with examples as in the other books in the series.
The Teacher's Manual also features a CD (also available separately) that includes performances of all the examples in the series.  Each unison example has been recorded three times, where the first and third are complete as written. The second version presents the example in fragments to demonstrate expressive phrase groupings as you play.  All ensemble examples are recorded twice and a short verbal explanation precedes each example.

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Jerry Nowak / Henry Nowak


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AutoreJerry Nowak

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The Art of Expressive Playing for Winds and Percussion - Teacher (book/CD)

The Art of Expressive Playing for Winds and Percussion - Teacher (book/CD)