Reduced! Beyond Lip Service: A Framework for Brass Fundamentals Ingrandisci

Marissa Benedict

Beyond Lip Service: A Framework for Brass Fundamentals

Publisher: Balquhidder Music
Instrumentation: Trumpet in Bb

Indispensable warm-up book for the trumpet student. With a focus on fundamentals such as long tones, breath control, lip slurs, articulations, and scales, Benedict leads the developing player through the important basic skills and daily routines required to attain a high level of performance ability.
This book includes practice guidance and excerpts of exercises and studies from renowned brass pedagogues. A vital compilation that will assist trumpet students in creating an efficient and effective practice regimen.

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Marissa Benedict


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AutoreMarissa Benedict

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Beyond Lip Service: A Framework for Brass Fundamentals

Beyond Lip Service: A Framework for Brass Fundamentals