Reduced! Getting Into... Rock Guitar (book/CD) Ingrandisci

Stephen Delach

Getting Into Rock Guitar (book with CD)

Publisher: Mel Bay
Level : Beginning
In notation and tablature

Getting Into Rock Guitar is a simplistic approach to learning the language of rock guitar. Written from a player’s perspective, this book demonstrates how to apply basic concepts and put them into your playing today. The material covers essential scales, rhythms, and techniques that make up the rock idiom. With over one hundred examples and play-along tracks, Getting into Rock will help guide you to becoming not just a rock guitarist, but a complete rock musician.

Section One - Rhythm Guitar
Getting Started
Rhythm Intro
Power Chords
Tricks of the Trade

Section Two - Lead Guitar
Lead Introduction
Double Stops
The Blues Scale
Suggested Listening

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Stephen Delach


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AutoreStephen Delach

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Getting Into Rock Guitar (book with CD)

Getting Into Rock Guitar (book with CD)