Reduced! Authentic Blues Drumming (book/Video Online) Ingrandisci

Tony Coleman

Authentic Blues Drumming (book/Video Online)

Publisher : Hal Leonard
Learn Shuffles, Fills, Concepts, Tips and More from a Blues Master
Series: Drum Instruction

As drummer for the legendary B.B. King and countless other blues, soul, rock and pop artists, Tony Coleman has spent a lifetime refining his brilliant, wide-ranging drum skills and knowledge.
And now, in this exclusive full-length video and book, Tony shares his invaluable wisdom on the often-overlooked art of the blues shuffle. Featuring loads of shuffles styles, blues variations, concepts, tips and much more, this intimate video lesson also includes a book of transcriptions detailing all of the main video examples.

Blues Drumming

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Tony Coleman


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Authentic Blues Drumming (book/Video Online)

Authentic Blues Drumming (book/Video Online)