Reduced! The Art of Baroque Trumpet Playing View larger

Edward H. Tarr

The Art of Baroque Trumpet Playing - Volume I

Publisher: Schott Music  ED 8838
Author: Edward H. Tarr
Basic Exercises Vol. 1
Language: English, Deutsch

These three volumes are a summary by the renowned author and teacher of this historical brass instrument at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.
Though conceived mainly for players of Baroque or natural trumpets, they are also essential reading for players of modern valve instruments who aim for an enlightened approach to Baroque performance practice.

The varied exercises and pieces, some taken from 19th-century methods, add up to a systematic course of tuition helping to solve all technical and musical problems, particularly those connected with ensemble playing.

Instruments in use today:
1. Exercises in the principal register
2. Exercises for the mid-clarino register
3. Articulations and intervals exercises in the clarino register
4. Scalar Exercises to c''' and higher
5. Trill culture

Exemplary studies and pieces from historical methods:
6. Kresser, Complete method pour la trompette d'harmonie (c. 1836)
7. Cacciamani, Metodo d'istruzione per tromba a macchina (1853)
8. Dauverné, Methode pour la trompette (1857)
9. Altenburg, Versuch einer Anleitung zur heroisch-musikalischen Trompeter (1795)
10. Bendinelli, Tutta l'arte della Trombetta (1614)
11. Fantini, Motodo per imparare a sonare di tromba (1638)

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Edward H. Tarr


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The Art of Baroque Trumpet Playing - Volume I

The Art of Baroque Trumpet Playing - Volume I