Bibs Ekkel
Russian Gypsy Folk Songs
Mel Bay Publications
Level: Beginning-Intermediate
For Vocal and Piano
Presented here is a rare collection of some of the best Gypsy folk songs popular among the Romanies of Russia and Eastern Europe. All offered in the original Romany tribal dialect, as appropriate to each song, with easy-to-follow pronunciation guide specially formulated for the native English speaker and literal (word-for-word) English translation.
The appended short historical and linguistic overview offers a rare insight into the history, traditions, language as well as the music and songs of this unique and mysterious people.
- Aven, Nashas Tusa - Come, Let's Run Away
- Bida Mange - Woe is Me
- Chaso Palo CHaso - Hour After Hour
- Djelem, Dejelem - I Travelled, I Travelled
- Dobry dyen', Romale - Good Day, Gypsies
- Dui, Dui, Deshudui - Two, Two, Twelve
- Dyves i Rat - Day and Night
- E Kalina - The Guilder Rose
- Grastoro - Dear Little Horse
- Kai Yo Bergi? - Where are the Mountains?
- Kai yone? - Where are They?
- Kulya
- Kxamoro (Oy, da nie budit'e) - Dear Sun (Oh, do not wake Me)
- Loli Pxabai - Red Apple
- Malyarka
- Mar, Djanja! - Dance, Dance!
- Mashenka
- Nane Tsoxa - I Have No Skirt
- Nasten'ka
- Pale Reka - Beyond the River
- Palso bylo vlyublyat'sya? - Why did I Fall in Love?
- Pasiya pre char tumano - Mist Lay on the Grass
- Rucheyok - Little Stream
- Sare patrya - All the Cards
- Shatrisa - Little Tent
- Shel Me Versty - A Hundred Viorsts (I Travelled)
- Shilaly Balval - Cold Wind
- Sosa Grisha? - With What Grisha?
- Sosnitsa - Fir Tree
- Terdy Shatra - There Stands a Tent
- Tsyganskiye Chastushki - Gypsy Humorous Ditties
- Tu Balval - Cold Wind
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Bibs Ekkel