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Hexaphone - The Cosmology of Improvised Music (CD/DVD)
Publisher by Fone, 2012
Katja Cruz feat. Oliver Lake
Hexaphone - The Cosmology of Improvised Music
Hexahedron - Earth - 10.36
Octahedron - Air - 9.24
Icosahedron - Water - 8.12
Dodecahedron - Ether, The Universe - 9.33
Hexagon - 10.20
Hexagram - 10.02
The Flower Of Life - 12.12
Katja Cruz - voice
Oliver Lake - alto sax
Andrea Massaria - guitar
Howard Curtis - drums
Patrick Dunst - alto sax, bass clarinet, alto flute, duduk
Patrik Lechner - electronics, visuals
Acquista su Birdland
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Acquista con App18 e Carta del Docente
3,71 €
3,90 €
Katja Cruz
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