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Chad Johnson

Essential Rock Guitar Techniques (book/CD)

Hal Leonard Publications
24 Skills Every Serious Player Should Master
Series: Guitar Educational

If you want to be a serious rock guitarist and sound authentic, there are some things you simply must know.

What would a Metallica riff be without the palm mute? Or how would a Van Halen solo sound without the tapping? Can you imagine hearing a version of Z.Z. Top's “Tush” or Joe Walsh's “Life's Been Good” without that signature slide guitar?

Essential Rock Guitar Techniques teaches you all of these skills with carefully crafted exercises and inspiring musical examples, nearly all of which are featured on the accompanying CD.
The accompanying CD contains 96 tracks with over 275 examples.


  • Alternate Picking
  • Barre Chords
  • Bending
  • Double Stops
  • Fret-Hand Muting
  • Harmonics
  • Hybrid Picking
  • Legato
  • Pick Hand Muting
  • Pick Scrapes
  • Rakes
  • Scratch Rhythm
  • Slide Guitar
  • String Skipping
  • Sweep Picking
  • Tapping
  • Trills
  • Vibrato

and more

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Chad Johnson


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AutoreChad Johnson

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Essential Rock Guitar Techniques (book/CD)

Essential Rock Guitar Techniques (book/CD)